Thursday 16 July 2009


One thing I've noticed about immigrants is that they are overwhelmingly pro immigration. Whatever part of the world they come from, and whatever country they go to, they take offence at any hint that immigration might not be the best thing since sliced bread. In my view it has been a disaster, particularly for England, which has absorbed a disproportionately large number of immigrants to both the UK and the EU.

But why expect that immigrants have to be pro immigration? You may consider the contrary point of view hypocritical - how can an immigrant be anti immigration?

But what if an overwhelming majority of the native English - ie the people who gave the immigrant a refuge from persecution, the opportunity of getting a job, healed his sick, educated his kids - want immigration cut drastically or stopped altogether? How does an immigrant then justify a pro immigration point of view?

Surely such a point of view has to be taken as being hostile to the interests of the English people. Surely the only decent response is that they respect the opinion of the English on the matter.

Immigrants or their descendants who then get into politics and start pushing a ridiculous open doors policy on immigration, knowing the general feeling about immigration are in my view contemptible ingrates and traitors who should have their citizenship revoked and be booted out of the country.

Generation of Burkes

You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage

You might remember that quote from 'Aliens'. The sci-fi horror film starring Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley, with Paul Reiser in the role of Carter Burke, the archetypal yuppie slime ball of the 22nd Century (or whenever). At that point in the film Ripley has Burke pegged as a scum bag of the lowest order. He's prepared to sacrifice the whole crew of the ship (and jeopardise the safety of the human race) in order to smuggle an 'alien' back to Earth in the bodies of the crew for the weapons industry.

Examine the Labour cabinet and it's not too difficult to imagine that the character of Burke reached a sympathetic audience in people like Brown, Mandelson, Harman, Straw and the Millibands. All are shallow, incompetent, self serving scum who put their own interests ahead of the national interest. All are happy to see the UK trashed by immigration from the third world in order to secure future votes. All are happy to sell the UK out to their undemocratic antipatriot collaborators in the EU. All are happy to see the UK bankrupted, and all are prepared to lie through their teeth in order that the destruction that they wreak on the UK should continue uninterrupted.