Saturday 16 May 2009


The Government says it has to allow thousands of foreign criminals into the country because under EU law it can't refuse them. It then says that it can't deport terrorist suspects because it's against European Human Rights legislation. Yet the Government is prepared to disregard European Human Rights law on the issue of holding the DNA of innocent people. Seems like they'll either ignore EU law when it's inconvenient, or use it to legitimise their destruction of our civil liberties.


  1. I fully support the use of and database for DNA but your point about their pick and mix approach t EU law proves something else too: that this nonsense about holding and prosecuting terrorists in line with EU legislation COULD be overuled to serve the interest of public security but our AWFUL judges choose to use this to prevent that happening. In other words they pick and choose the legislation to suit their own agendas in a power struggle with the government. They should all be shot.

  2. If I accuse you of hitting me, with no proof, and tell a convincing story to the police, you'll be arrested and on the database, whether further action is taken or not.

  3. DNA evidence can be planted so it's by no means secure. It could also be scanned for genetic flaws which could then be used to deny medical treatment or abused in some other way.

  4. But I agree that the judges and politicians should all be shot.

  5. It would be better to hang judges and politicians surely? Hanging is the traditional penalty for traitors. Also you can re-use a rope, so it'd be cheaper too. : )


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